Moving Right Along

So THESE GENTLE WOUNDS is now officially a book (unless you're in the UK where you need to wait a few weeks for the physical copies - sorry....). I was so fortunate to kick off TGW's birth in style at the amazing Parnassus in Nashville, surrounded by friends, family, and a truly amazing group of writers.

If you've read TGW THANK YOU. If you've reviewed it, a million gold stars. And if you're still looking for your copy and want a signed one, I'm told that you can order from Parnassus and they'll let me know to come by and sign, OR you can contact me through this site and I'll mail you a signed bookplate.

In the meantime, I'm going to go off and finish my revisions of my 2015 release, WHAT REMAINS. I can't wait to tell you more about it!

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